We take an image science perspective on the problem of determining brain network connectivity given functional activity. But adapting the concept of image resolution to this problem, we provide a new perspective on network partitioning for individual brain parcellation. The typical goal here is to determine densely-interconnected subnetworks within a larger network by choosing the best edges to cut. We instead define these subnetworks as resolution cells, where highly-correlated activity within the cells makes edge weights difficult to determine from the data. Subdividing the resolution estimates into disjoint resolution cells via clustering yields a new variation, and new perspective, on spectral clustering. This provides insight and strategies for open questions such as the selection of model order and the optimal choice of preprocessing steps for functional imaging data. The approach is demonstrated using functional imaging data, where we find the proposed approach produces parcellations which are more predictive across multiple scans versus conventional methods, as well as versus alternative forms of spectral clustering.