Source: Taming Text, p 9
At this level, processing becomes more difficult in an effort to find deeper understanding of an author’s intent.
For example, algorithms for summarization often require being able to identify which sentences are more important than others.
Similar to the paragraph level, understanding the meaning of a document often requires knowledge that goes beyond what’s contained in the actual document.
Authors often expect readers to have a certain background or possess certain reading skills.
At this level, people want to quickly find items of interest as well as group related documents and read summaries of those documents.
Applications that can aggregate and organize facts and opinions and find relationships are particularly useful.
lookup table of unique numbers denoting every possible character
Encoding still needed -- various standards
chr(2^30+1) # for python 3
Incorrect, unreadable characters shown when computer software fails to show text correctly.
It is a result of text being decoded using an unintended character encoding.
Very common in Japanese websites, hence the name:
文字 (moji) "character" + 化け (bake) "transform"
Good News: It is systematic (find the right encoding) and easy to fix
# manually load text without specifying encoding
with open('shakespeare_all.txt') as f:
shakespeare =
'\ufeffTHE SONNETS\nby William Shakespeare\n\n\n\n '
'\ufeffTHE SONNETS\nby William Shakespeare\n\n\n\n '
import ftfy
'THE SONNETS\nby William Shakespeare\n\n\n\n '
Help on package ftfy: NAME ftfy - ftfy: fixes text for you DESCRIPTION This is a module for making text less broken. See the `fix_text` function for more information. PACKAGE CONTENTS bad_codecs (package) badness build_data chardata cli fixes formatting FUNCTIONS explain_unicode(text) A utility method that's useful for debugging mysterious Unicode. It breaks down a string, showing you for each codepoint its number in hexadecimal, its glyph, its category in the Unicode standard, and its name in the Unicode standard. >>> explain_unicode('(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻') U+0028 ( [Ps] LEFT PARENTHESIS U+256F ╯ [So] BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC UP AND LEFT U+00B0 ° [So] DEGREE SIGN U+25A1 □ [So] WHITE SQUARE U+00B0 ° [So] DEGREE SIGN U+0029 ) [Pe] RIGHT PARENTHESIS U+256F ╯ [So] BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC UP AND LEFT U+FE35 ︵ [Ps] PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT PARENTHESIS U+0020 [Zs] SPACE U+253B ┻ [So] BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY UP AND HORIZONTAL U+2501 ━ [So] BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY HORIZONTAL U+253B ┻ [So] BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY UP AND HORIZONTAL fix_file(input_file, encoding=None, *, fix_entities='auto', remove_terminal_escapes=True, fix_encoding=True, fix_latin_ligatures=True, fix_character_width=True, uncurl_quotes=True, fix_line_breaks=True, fix_surrogates=True, remove_control_chars=True, remove_bom=True, normalization='NFC') Fix text that is found in a file. If the file is being read as Unicode text, use that. If it's being read as bytes, then we hope an encoding was supplied. If not, unfortunately, we have to guess what encoding it is. We'll try a few common encodings, but we make no promises. See the `guess_bytes` function for how this is done. The output is a stream of fixed lines of text. fix_text(text, *, fix_entities='auto', remove_terminal_escapes=True, fix_encoding=True, fix_latin_ligatures=True, fix_character_width=True, uncurl_quotes=True, fix_line_breaks=True, fix_surrogates=True, remove_control_chars=True, remove_bom=True, normalization='NFC', max_decode_length=1000000) Given Unicode text as input, fix inconsistencies and glitches in it, such as mojibake. Let's start with some examples: >>> print(fix_text('ünicode')) ünicode >>> print(fix_text('Broken text… it’s flubberific!', ... normalization='NFKC')) Broken text... it's flubberific! >>> print(fix_text('HTML entities <3')) HTML entities <3 >>> print(fix_text('<em>HTML entities <3</em>')) <em>HTML entities <3</em> >>> print(fix_text("¯\\_(ã\x83\x84)_/¯")) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ >>> # This example string starts with a byte-order mark, even if >>> # you can't see it on the Web. >>> print(fix_text('\ufeffParty like\nit’s 1999!')) Party like it's 1999! >>> print(fix_text('LOUD NOISES')) LOUD NOISES >>> len(fix_text('fi' * 100000)) 200000 >>> len(fix_text('')) 0 Based on the options you provide, ftfy applies these steps in order: - If `remove_terminal_escapes` is True, remove sequences of bytes that are instructions for Unix terminals, such as the codes that make text appear in different colors. - If `fix_encoding` is True, look for common mistakes that come from encoding or decoding Unicode text incorrectly, and fix them if they are reasonably fixable. See `fixes.fix_encoding` for details. - If `fix_entities` is True, replace HTML entities with their equivalent characters. If it's "auto" (the default), then consider replacing HTML entities, but don't do so in text where you have seen a pair of actual angle brackets (that's probably actually HTML and you shouldn't mess with the entities). - If `uncurl_quotes` is True, replace various curly quotation marks with plain-ASCII straight quotes. - If `fix_latin_ligatures` is True, then ligatures made of Latin letters, such as `fi`, will be separated into individual letters. These ligatures are usually not meaningful outside of font rendering, and often represent copy-and-paste errors. - If `fix_character_width` is True, half-width and full-width characters will be replaced by their standard-width form. - If `fix_line_breaks` is true, convert all line breaks to Unix style (CRLF and CR line breaks become LF line breaks). - If `fix_surrogates` is true, ensure that there are no UTF-16 surrogates in the resulting string, by converting them to the correct characters when they're appropriately paired, or replacing them with \ufffd otherwise. - If `remove_control_chars` is true, remove control characters that are not suitable for use in text. This includes most of the ASCII control characters, plus some Unicode controls such as the byte order mark (U+FEFF). Useful control characters, such as Tab, Line Feed, and bidirectional marks, are left as they are. - If `remove_bom` is True, remove the Byte-Order Mark at the start of the string if it exists. (This is largely redundant, because it's a special case of `remove_control_characters`. This option will become deprecated in a later version.) - If `normalization` is not None, apply the specified form of Unicode normalization, which can be one of 'NFC', 'NFKC', 'NFD', and 'NFKD'. - The default normalization, NFC, combines characters and diacritics that are written using separate code points, such as converting "e" plus an acute accent modifier into "é", or converting "ka" (か) plus a dakuten into the single character "ga" (が). Unicode can be converted to NFC form without any change in its meaning. - If you ask for NFKC normalization, it will apply additional normalizations that can change the meanings of characters. For example, ellipsis characters will be replaced with three periods, all ligatures will be replaced with the individual characters that make them up, and characters that differ in font style will be converted to the same character. - If anything was changed, repeat all the steps, so that the function is idempotent. "&amp;" will become "&", for example, not "&". `fix_text` will work one line at a time, with the possibility that some lines are in different encodings, allowing it to fix text that has been concatenated together from different sources. When it encounters lines longer than `max_decode_length` (1 million codepoints by default), it will not run the `fix_encoding` step, to avoid unbounded slowdowns. If you're certain that any decoding errors in the text would have affected the entire text in the same way, and you don't mind operations that scale with the length of the text, you can use `fix_text_segment` directly to fix the whole string in one batch. fix_text_segment(text, *, fix_entities='auto', remove_terminal_escapes=True, fix_encoding=True, fix_latin_ligatures=True, fix_character_width=True, uncurl_quotes=True, fix_line_breaks=True, fix_surrogates=True, remove_control_chars=True, remove_bom=True, normalization='NFC') Apply fixes to text in a single chunk. This could be a line of text within a larger run of `fix_text`, or it could be a larger amount of text that you are certain is in a consistent encoding. See `fix_text` for a description of the parameters. ftfy = fix_text(text, *, fix_entities='auto', remove_terminal_escapes=True, fix_encoding=True, fix_latin_ligatures=True, fix_character_width=True, uncurl_quotes=True, fix_line_breaks=True, fix_surrogates=True, remove_control_chars=True, remove_bom=True, normalization='NFC', max_decode_length=1000000) Given Unicode text as input, fix inconsistencies and glitches in it, such as mojibake. Let's start with some examples: >>> print(fix_text('ünicode')) ünicode >>> print(fix_text('Broken text… it’s flubberific!', ... normalization='NFKC')) Broken text... it's flubberific! >>> print(fix_text('HTML entities <3')) HTML entities <3 >>> print(fix_text('<em>HTML entities <3</em>')) <em>HTML entities <3</em> >>> print(fix_text("¯\\_(ã\x83\x84)_/¯")) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ >>> # This example string starts with a byte-order mark, even if >>> # you can't see it on the Web. >>> print(fix_text('\ufeffParty like\nit’s 1999!')) Party like it's 1999! >>> print(fix_text('LOUD NOISES')) LOUD NOISES >>> len(fix_text('fi' * 100000)) 200000 >>> len(fix_text('')) 0 Based on the options you provide, ftfy applies these steps in order: - If `remove_terminal_escapes` is True, remove sequences of bytes that are instructions for Unix terminals, such as the codes that make text appear in different colors. - If `fix_encoding` is True, look for common mistakes that come from encoding or decoding Unicode text incorrectly, and fix them if they are reasonably fixable. See `fixes.fix_encoding` for details. - If `fix_entities` is True, replace HTML entities with their equivalent characters. If it's "auto" (the default), then consider replacing HTML entities, but don't do so in text where you have seen a pair of actual angle brackets (that's probably actually HTML and you shouldn't mess with the entities). - If `uncurl_quotes` is True, replace various curly quotation marks with plain-ASCII straight quotes. - If `fix_latin_ligatures` is True, then ligatures made of Latin letters, such as `fi`, will be separated into individual letters. These ligatures are usually not meaningful outside of font rendering, and often represent copy-and-paste errors. - If `fix_character_width` is True, half-width and full-width characters will be replaced by their standard-width form. - If `fix_line_breaks` is true, convert all line breaks to Unix style (CRLF and CR line breaks become LF line breaks). - If `fix_surrogates` is true, ensure that there are no UTF-16 surrogates in the resulting string, by converting them to the correct characters when they're appropriately paired, or replacing them with \ufffd otherwise. - If `remove_control_chars` is true, remove control characters that are not suitable for use in text. This includes most of the ASCII control characters, plus some Unicode controls such as the byte order mark (U+FEFF). Useful control characters, such as Tab, Line Feed, and bidirectional marks, are left as they are. - If `remove_bom` is True, remove the Byte-Order Mark at the start of the string if it exists. (This is largely redundant, because it's a special case of `remove_control_characters`. This option will become deprecated in a later version.) - If `normalization` is not None, apply the specified form of Unicode normalization, which can be one of 'NFC', 'NFKC', 'NFD', and 'NFKD'. - The default normalization, NFC, combines characters and diacritics that are written using separate code points, such as converting "e" plus an acute accent modifier into "é", or converting "ka" (か) plus a dakuten into the single character "ga" (が). Unicode can be converted to NFC form without any change in its meaning. - If you ask for NFKC normalization, it will apply additional normalizations that can change the meanings of characters. For example, ellipsis characters will be replaced with three periods, all ligatures will be replaced with the individual characters that make them up, and characters that differ in font style will be converted to the same character. - If anything was changed, repeat all the steps, so that the function is idempotent. "&amp;" will become "&", for example, not "&". `fix_text` will work one line at a time, with the possibility that some lines are in different encodings, allowing it to fix text that has been concatenated together from different sources. When it encounters lines longer than `max_decode_length` (1 million codepoints by default), it will not run the `fix_encoding` step, to avoid unbounded slowdowns. If you're certain that any decoding errors in the text would have affected the entire text in the same way, and you don't mind operations that scale with the length of the text, you can use `fix_text_segment` directly to fix the whole string in one batch. guess_bytes(bstring) NOTE: Using `guess_bytes` is not the recommended way of using ftfy. ftfy is not designed to be an encoding detector. In the unfortunate situation that you have some bytes in an unknown encoding, ftfy can guess a reasonable strategy for decoding them, by trying a few common encodings that can be distinguished from each other. Unlike the rest of ftfy, this may not be accurate, and it may *create* Unicode problems instead of solving them! It doesn't try East Asian encodings at all, and if you have East Asian text that you don't know how to decode, you are somewhat out of luck. East Asian encodings require some serious statistics to distinguish from each other, so we can't support them without decreasing the accuracy of ftfy. If you don't know which encoding you have at all, I recommend trying the 'chardet' module, and being appropriately skeptical about its results. The encodings we try here are: - UTF-16 with a byte order mark, because a UTF-16 byte order mark looks like nothing else - UTF-8, because it's the global standard, which has been used by a majority of the Web since 2008 - "utf-8-variants", because it's what people actually implement when they think they're doing UTF-8 - MacRoman, because Microsoft Office thinks it's still a thing, and it can be distinguished by its line breaks. (If there are no line breaks in the string, though, you're out of luck.) - "sloppy-windows-1252", the Latin-1-like encoding that is the most common single-byte encoding VERSION 5.5.1 FILE /home/user01/anaconda3/envs/slides/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ftfy/
What about the line breaks?
with open('shakespeare_all.txt') as f:
shakespeare =
['\ufeffTHE SONNETS', 'by William Shakespeare', '', '', '', ' 1', ' From fairest creatures we desire increase,', " That thereby beauty's rose might never die,", ' But as the riper should by time decease,', ' His tender heir might bear his memory:']
# Munging text
shakespeare = [ftfy.fix_text(line.strip()) for line in shakespeare if line]
['THE SONNETS', 'by William Shakespeare', '1', 'From fairest creatures we desire increase,', "That thereby beauty's rose might never die,", 'But as the riper should by time decease,', 'His tender heir might bear his memory:', 'But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,', "Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,", 'Making a famine where abundance lies,']
best practice for handling text
"bytes should be decoded to str as early as possible on input (e.g., when opening a file for reading). The “meat” of the sandwich is the business logic of your program, where text handling is done exclusively on str objects. You should never be encoding or decoding in the middle of other processing. On output, the str are encoded to bytes as late as possible. Most web frameworks work like that, and we rarely touch bytes when using them."
Array (list) of characters
a = "Hello"
b = "World"
print(a+' '+b+'.')
HelloWorld Hello World.
from string import *
Variable Type Data/Info ------------------------------------------------- Formatter type <class 'string.Formatter'> Template _TemplateMetaclass <class 'string.Template'> ascii_letters str abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy<...>BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ascii_lowercase str abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ascii_uppercase str ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ capwords function <function capwords at 0x10250eb70> digits str 0123456789 hexdigits str 0123456789abcdefABCDEF octdigits str 01234567 punctuation str !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
Let's make a simple password generator function!
Your one-liner should return something like this:
import random
import string
n = 10
random = ''.join((random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in range(n)))
Used in grep, awk, ed, perl, ...
Regular expression is a pattern matching language, the "RE language".
A Domain Specific Language (DSL). Powerful (but limited language). E.g. SQL, Markdown.
from re import *
Variable Type Data/Info ----------------------------------- A RegexFlag RegexFlag.ASCII ASCII RegexFlag RegexFlag.ASCII DOTALL RegexFlag RegexFlag.DOTALL I RegexFlag RegexFlag.IGNORECASE IGNORECASE RegexFlag RegexFlag.IGNORECASE L RegexFlag RegexFlag.LOCALE LOCALE RegexFlag RegexFlag.LOCALE M RegexFlag RegexFlag.MULTILINE MULTILINE RegexFlag RegexFlag.MULTILINE Match type <class 're.Match'> Pattern type <class 're.Pattern'> S RegexFlag RegexFlag.DOTALL U RegexFlag RegexFlag.UNICODE UNICODE RegexFlag RegexFlag.UNICODE VERBOSE RegexFlag RegexFlag.VERBOSE X RegexFlag RegexFlag.VERBOSE a str Hello b str World compile function <function compile at 0x7f35d3befea0> error type <class 're.error'> escape function <function escape at 0x7f35d3bf10d0> findall function <function findall at 0x7f35d3befd90> finditer function <function finditer at 0x7f35d3befe18> fullmatch function <function fullmatch at 0x7f35d3befae8> match function <function match at 0x7f35d3c10f28> purge function <function purge at 0x7f35d3beff28> search function <function search at 0x7f35d3befb70> split function <function split at 0x7f35d3befd08> sub function <function sub at 0x7f35d3befbf8> subn function <function subn at 0x7f35d3befc80> template function <function template at 0x7f35d3bf1048>
Write a regex to match common misspellings of calendar: "calendar", "calandar", or "celender"
# Let's explore how to do this
# Patterns to match
dat0 = ["calendar", "calandar", "celender"]
# Patterns to not match
dat1 = ["foo", "cal", "calli", "calaaaandar"]
# Interleave them
string = " ".join([item
for pair in zip(dat0, dat1)
for item in pair])
'calendar foo calandar cal celender calli'
# You match it with literals
literal1 = 'calendar'
literal2 = 'calandar'
literal3 = 'celender'
patterns = "|".join([literal1, literal2, literal3])
import re
print(re.findall(patterns, string))
['calendar', 'calandar', 'celender']
Let's write it with regex language
# A little bit of meta-programming (strings all the way down!)
sub_pattern = '[ae]'
pattern2 = sub_pattern.join(["c","l","nd","r"])
re.findall(pattern2, string)
c[ae]l[ae]nd[ae]r calendar foo calandar cal celender calli
['calendar', 'calandar', 'celender']
pick function based on goal (find all matches, replace matches, find first match, ...)
form search expression to account for variations in target we allow. E.g. possible misspellings.
special characters that have a unique meaning
A way of indicating that we want to use one of our metacharacters as a literal.
In a regular expression an escape sequence is metacharacter \ (backslash) in front of the metacharacter that we want to use as a literal.
Ex: If we want to find \file in the target string c:\file then we would need to use the search expression \\file (each \ we want to search for as a literal (there are 2) is preceded by an escape sequence ).
\A - specified characters at beginning of string. Ex: "\AThe"
\b - specified characters at beginning or end of a word. Ex: r"\bain" r"ain\b"
\B - specified characters present but NOT at beginning (or end) of a word. Ex: r"\Bain" r"ain\B"
\d - string contains digits (numbers from 0-9)
\D - string DOES NOT contain digits
\s - string contains a white space character
\S - string DOES NOT contain a white space character
\w - string contains any word characters (characters from a to Z, digits from 0-9, and the underscore _ character)
\W - string DOES NOT contain any word characters
\Z - specified characters are at the end of the string
a set of characters inside a pair of square brackets [] with a special meaning:
[arn] one of the specified characters (a, r, or n) are present
[a-n] any lower case character, alphabetically between a and n
[^arn] any character EXCEPT a, r, and n
[0123] any of the specified digits (0, 1, 2, or 3) are present
[0-9] any digit between 0 and 9
[0-5][0-9] any two-digit numbers from 00 and 59
[a-zA-Z] any character alphabetically between a and z, lower case OR upper case
[+] In sets, +, *, ., |, (), $,{} has no special meaning, so [+] means any + character in the string
target_string = '415-805-1888'
pattern1 = '[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
pattern2 = '\d\d\d-\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d'
pattern3 = '\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'
<re.Match object; span=(0, 12), match='415-805-1888'> <re.Match object; span=(0, 12), match='415-805-1888'> <re.Match object; span=(0, 12), match='415-805-1888'>
uses Quantifiers.
Quantifiers: allow you to specify how many times the preceding expression should match.
{} is extact quantifier.
['x', 'x', 'x', '', '']
Problem: You have odd line breaks in your text.
text = 'Long-\nterm problems with short-\nterm solutions.'
Long- term problems with short- term solutions.
Solution: Write a regex to find the "dash with line break" and replace it with just a line break.
import re
# 1st Attempt
text = 'Long-\nterm problems with short-\nterm solutions.'
re.sub('(\w+)-\n(\w+)', r'-', text)
'- problems with - solutions.'
Not right!
We need capturing groups!
Caputuring groups allow you to apply regex operators to the groups that have been matched by regex.
For for example, if you wanted to list all the image files in a folder. You could then use a pattern such as ^(IMG\d+\.png)$
to capture and extract the full filename, but if you only wanted to capture the filename without the extension, you could use the pattern ^(IMG\d+)\.png$
which only captures the part before the period.
re.sub('(\w+)-\n(\w+)', r'\1-\2', text)
'Long-term problems with short-term solutions.'
The parentheses around the word characters (specified by \w) means that any matching text should be captured into a group.
The '\1' and '\2' specifiers refer to the text in the first and second captured groups.
"Long" and "term" are the first and second captured groups for the first match.
"short" and "term" are the first and second captured groups for the next match.
NOTE: 1-based indexing
False positives (Type I error): Matching strings that we should not have matched
False negatives (Type II error): Not matching strings that we should have matched
Reducing the error rate for a task often involves two antagonistic efforts:
In a perfect world, you would be able to minimize both but in reality you often have to trade one for the other.
Sentence segmentation is dividing a stream of language into component sentences.
Sentences can be defined as a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate. Sentences typically are statements, questions, exclamations, or commands.
Sentence segmentation is typically done using punctuation, particularly the full stop character "." as a reasonable approximation.
However there are complications because full stop character is also used to end abbreviations, which may or may not also terminate a sentence.
For example, Dr. Evil.
A Confederacy Of Dunces
By John Kennedy Toole
A green hunting cap squeezed the top of the fleshy balloon of a head. The green earflaps, full of large ears and uncut hair and the fine bristles that grew in the ears themselves, stuck out on either side like turn signals indicating two directions at once. Full, pursed lips protruded beneath the bushy black moustache and, at their corners, sank into little folds filled with disapproval and potato chip crumbs. In the shadow under the green visor of the cap Ignatius J. Reilly’s supercilious blue and yellow eyes looked down upon the other people waiting under the clock at the D.H. Holmes department store, studying the crowd of people for signs of bad taste in dress.
sentence_1 = A green hunting cap squeezed the top of the fleshy balloon of a head.
sentence_2 = The green earflaps, full of large ears and uncut hair and the fine bristles that grew in the ears themselves, stuck out on either side like turn signals indicating two directions at once.
sentence_3 = Full, pursed lips protruded beneath the bushy black moustache and, at their corners, sank into little folds filled with disapproval and potato chip crumbs.
sentence_4 = In the shadow under the green visor of the cap Ignatius J. Reilly’s supercilious blue and yellow eyes looked down upon the other people waiting under the clock at the D.H. Holmes department store, studying the crowd of people for signs of bad taste in dress.
text = """A green hunting cap squeezed the top of the fleshy balloon of a head. The green earflaps, full of large ears and uncut hair and the fine bristles that grew in the ears themselves, stuck out on either side like turn signals indicating two directions at once. Full, pursed lips protruded beneath the bushy black moustache and, at their corners, sank into little folds filled with disapproval and potato chip crumbs. In the shadow under the green visor of the cap Ignatius J. Reilly’s supercilious blue and yellow eyes looked down upon the other people waiting under the clock at the D.H. Holmes department store, studying the crowd of people for signs of bad taste in dress. """
import re
pattern = "|".join(['!', # end with "!"
'\?', # end with "?"
'\.\D', # end with "." and the full stop is not followed by a number
'\.\s']) # end with "." and the full stop is followed by a whitespace
re.split(pattern, text)
['A green hunting cap squeezed the top of the fleshy balloon of a head', 'The green earflaps, full of large ears and uncut hair and the fine bristles that grew in the ears themselves, stuck out on either side like turn signals indicating two directions at once', 'Full, pursed lips protruded beneath the bushy black moustache and, at their corners, sank into little folds filled with disapproval and potato chip crumbs', 'In the shadow under the green visor of the cap Ignatius J', 'Reilly’s supercilious blue and yellow eyes looked down upon the other people waiting under the clock at the D', '', 'Holmes department store, studying the crowd of people for signs of bad taste in dress', '']
pattern = "(?<!\w\.\w.)(?<![A-Z][a-z]\.)(?<=\.|\?)\s"
re.split(pattern, text)
['A green hunting cap squeezed the top of the fleshy balloon of a head.', 'The green earflaps, full of large ears and uncut hair and the fine bristles that grew in the ears themselves, stuck out on either side like turn signals indicating two directions at once.', 'Full, pursed lips protruded beneath the bushy black moustache and, at their corners, sank into little folds filled with disapproval and potato chip crumbs.', 'In the shadow under the green visor of the cap Ignatius J.', 'Reilly’s supercilious blue and yellow eyes looked down upon the other people waiting under the clock at the D.H. Holmes department store, studying the crowd of people for signs of bad taste in dress.', '']
from textblob import TextBlob
text = """A green hunting cap squeezed the top of the fleshy balloon of a head. The green earflaps, full of large ears and uncut hair and the fine bristles that grew in the ears themselves, stuck out on either side like turn signals indicating two directions at once. Full, pursed lips protruded beneath the bushy black moustache and, at their corners, sank into little folds filled with disapproval and potato chip crumbs. In the shadow under the green visor of the cap Ignatius J. Reilly’s supercilious blue and yellow eyes looked down upon the other people waiting under the clock at the D.H. Holmes department store, studying the crowd of people for signs of bad taste in dress. """
blob = TextBlob(text)
[Sentence("A green hunting cap squeezed the top of the fleshy balloon of a head."), Sentence("The green earflaps, full of large ears and uncut hair and the fine bristles that grew in the ears themselves, stuck out on either side like turn signals indicating two directions at once."), Sentence("Full, pursed lips protruded beneath the bushy black moustache and, at their corners, sank into little folds filled with disapproval and potato chip crumbs."), Sentence("In the shadow under the green visor of the cap Ignatius J. Reilly’s supercilious blue and yellow eyes looked down upon the other people waiting under the clock at the D.H. Holmes department store, studying the crowd of people for signs of bad taste in dress.")]
Toenization: Breaking a stream of text up into words, phrases, symbols, or other meaningful elements called tokens
The simplest way to tokenize is to split on white space
sentence1 = 'Sky is blue and trees are green'
sentence1.split(' ')
['Sky', 'is', 'blue', 'and', 'trees', 'are', 'green']
Sometimes you might also want to deal with abbreviations, hypenations, puntuations and other characters.
In those cases, you would want to use regex.
However, going through a sentence multiple times can be slow to run if the corpus is long
import re
sentence2 = 'This state-of-the-art technology is cool, isn\'t it?'
sentence2 = re.sub('-', ' ', sentence2)
sentence2 = re.sub('[,|.|?]', '', sentence2)
sentence2 = re.sub('n\'t', ' not', sentence2)
sentence2_tokens = re.split('\s+', sentence2)
['This', 'state', 'of', 'the', 'art', 'technology', 'is', 'cool', 'is', 'not', 'it']
In this case, there are 11 tokens and the size of the vocabulary is 10
print('Number of tokens:', len(sentence2_tokens))
print('Number of vocabulary:', len(set(sentence2_tokens)))
Number of tokens: 11 Number of vocabulary: 10
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
text1 = "It's true that the chicken was the best bamboozler in the known multiverse."
tokens = word_tokenize(text1)
['It', "'s", 'true', 'that', 'the', 'chicken', 'was', 'the', 'best', 'bamboozler', 'in', 'the', 'known', 'multiverse', '.']
import nltk
Help on package nltk.tokenize in nltk: NAME nltk.tokenize - NLTK Tokenizer Package DESCRIPTION Tokenizers divide strings into lists of substrings. For example, tokenizers can be used to find the words and punctuation in a string: >>> from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize >>> s = '''Good muffins cost $3.88\nin New York. Please buy me ... two of them.\n\nThanks.''' >>> word_tokenize(s) ['Good', 'muffins', 'cost', '$', '3.88', 'in', 'New', 'York', '.', 'Please', 'buy', 'me', 'two', 'of', 'them', '.', 'Thanks', '.'] This particular tokenizer requires the Punkt sentence tokenization models to be installed. NLTK also provides a simpler, regular-expression based tokenizer, which splits text on whitespace and punctuation: >>> from nltk.tokenize import wordpunct_tokenize >>> wordpunct_tokenize(s) ['Good', 'muffins', 'cost', '$', '3', '.', '88', 'in', 'New', 'York', '.', 'Please', 'buy', 'me', 'two', 'of', 'them', '.', 'Thanks', '.'] We can also operate at the level of sentences, using the sentence tokenizer directly as follows: >>> from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize >>> sent_tokenize(s) ['Good muffins cost $3.88\nin New York.', 'Please buy me\ntwo of them.', 'Thanks.'] >>> [word_tokenize(t) for t in sent_tokenize(s)] [['Good', 'muffins', 'cost', '$', '3.88', 'in', 'New', 'York', '.'], ['Please', 'buy', 'me', 'two', 'of', 'them', '.'], ['Thanks', '.']] Caution: when tokenizing a Unicode string, make sure you are not using an encoded version of the string (it may be necessary to decode it first, e.g. with ``s.decode("utf8")``. NLTK tokenizers can produce token-spans, represented as tuples of integers having the same semantics as string slices, to support efficient comparison of tokenizers. (These methods are implemented as generators.) >>> from nltk.tokenize import WhitespaceTokenizer >>> list(WhitespaceTokenizer().span_tokenize(s)) [(0, 4), (5, 12), (13, 17), (18, 23), (24, 26), (27, 30), (31, 36), (38, 44), (45, 48), (49, 51), (52, 55), (56, 58), (59, 64), (66, 73)] There are numerous ways to tokenize text. If you need more control over tokenization, see the other methods provided in this package. For further information, please see Chapter 3 of the NLTK book. PACKAGE CONTENTS api casual mwe nist punkt regexp repp sexpr simple stanford stanford_segmenter texttiling toktok treebank util FUNCTIONS sent_tokenize(text, language='english') Return a sentence-tokenized copy of *text*, using NLTK's recommended sentence tokenizer (currently :class:`.PunktSentenceTokenizer` for the specified language). :param text: text to split into sentences :param language: the model name in the Punkt corpus word_tokenize(text, language='english', preserve_line=False) Return a tokenized copy of *text*, using NLTK's recommended word tokenizer (currently an improved :class:`.TreebankWordTokenizer` along with :class:`.PunktSentenceTokenizer` for the specified language). :param text: text to split into words :type text: str :param language: the model name in the Punkt corpus :type language: str :param preserve_line: An option to keep the preserve the sentence and not sentence tokenize it. :type preserve_line: bool DATA improved_close_quote_regex = re.compile('([»”’])') improved_open_quote_regex = re.compile('([«“‘„]|[`]+)') improved_open_single_quote_regex = re.compile("(?i)(\\')(?!re|ve|ll|m|... improved_punct_regex = re.compile('([^\\.])(\\.)([\\]\\)}>"\\\'»”’ ]*)... FILE /home/user01/anaconda3/envs/slides/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nltk/tokenize/
A morpheme is the smallest unit of language that has meaning.
There are two types of morpheme:
"believe" is a stem.
"un" and "able" are affixes.
What we want to do in NLP preprocessing is get the stem a stem by eliminating the affixes from a token.
Stemming usually refers to a crude heuristic process that chops off the ends of words.
Ex: automates
, automating
and automatic
could be stemmed to automat
from nltk import stem
porter = stem.porter.PorterStemmer()
There are 3 types of commonly used stemmers, and each consists of slightly different rules for systematically replacing affixes in tokens. In general, Lancaster stemmer stems the most aggresively, i.e. removing the most suffix from the tokens, followed by Snowball and Porter
Porter Stemmer:
Snowball Stemmer:
Lancaster Stemmer:
from nltk import stem
tokens = ['player', 'playa', 'playas', 'pleyaz']
# Define Porter Stemmer
porter = stem.porter.PorterStemmer()
# Define Snowball Stemmer
snowball = stem.snowball.EnglishStemmer()
# Define Lancaster Stemmer
lancaster =
print('Porter Stemmer:', [porter.stem(i) for i in tokens])
print('Snowball Stemmer:', [snowball.stem(i) for i in tokens])
print('Lancaster Stemmer:', [lancaster.stem(i) for i in tokens])
Porter Stemmer: ['player', 'playa', 'playa', 'pleyaz'] Snowball Stemmer: ['player', 'playa', 'playa', 'pleyaz'] Lancaster Stemmer: ['play', 'play', 'playa', 'pleyaz']
Lemmatization aims to remove inflectional endings only and to return the base or dictionary form of a word, which is known as the lemma.
This is doing things properly with the use of a vocabulary and morphological analysis of words.
How are stemming and lemmatization similar?
The goal of both stemming and lemmatization is to reduce inflectional forms and derivationally-related forms of a token to a common base form.
from textblob import Word
w = Word("cars")
from textblob import Word
w = Word("litter")
['the offspring at one birth of a multiparous mammal', 'rubbish carelessly dropped or left about (especially in public places)', 'conveyance consisting of a chair or bed carried on two poles by bearers', 'material used to provide a bed for animals', 'strew', 'make a place messy by strewing garbage around', 'give birth to a litter of animals']
using regexFing places where pattern $P$ is found within text $T$.
What python functions do this?
Also very important problem. Not trivial for massive datasets.
Alignment - compare $P$ to same-length substring of $T$ at some starting point.
How many calculations will this take in the most naive approach possible?
Naive approach: test all possible alignments for match.
Ideas for improvement:
How similar are these two curves, assuming we ignore varying timescales?
Example: we wish to determine location of hiker given altitude measurements during hike.
Note the amount of warping is often not the distance metric. We first "warp" the pattern, then compute distance some other way, e.g. LMS. Final distance as the closest LMS possible over all acceptable warpings.
Dynamic Time Warping
Inefficient due to repeatedly calculating same terms
def fib_recursive(n):
if n == 0: return 0
if n == 1: return 1
return fib_recursive(n-1) + fib_recursive(n-2)
Each term requires two additional terms be calculated. Exponential time.
Intelligently plan terms to calculate and store ("cache"), e.g. in a table.
Each term requires one term be calculated.
Always plan out the data strcture and calculation order.
The data structure to fill in for Fibonacci is trivial:
Optimal order is to start at bottom and work up to $n$, so always have what you need for next term.
Caches are storage for information to be used in the near future in a more accessible form.
1) Direction
Recursion: Starts at the end/largest and divides into subproblems.
DP: Starts at the smallest and builds up a solution.
2) Amount of computation:
During recursion, the same sub-problems are solved multiple times.
DP is basically a memorization technique which uses a table to store the results of sub-problem so that if same sub-problem is encountered again in future, it could directly return the result instead of re-calculating it.
DP = apply common sense to do recursive problems more efficiently.
def fib_recursive(n):
if n == 0: return 0
if n == 1: return 1
return fib_recursive(n-1) + fib_recursive(n-2)
def fib_dp(n):
fib_seq = [0, 1]
for i in range(2,n+1):
fib_seq.append(fib_seq[i-1] + fib_seq[i-2])
return fib_seq[n]
Let's compare the runtime
%timeit -n4 fib_recursive(30)
417 ms ± 2.83 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 4 loops each)
%timeit -n4 fib_dp(100)
26.2 µs ± 704 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 4 loops each)
The hardest parts of dynamic programming is:
def fib():
a, b = 0, 1
while True:
a, b = b, a+b
yield a
f = fib()
for i in range(10):
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
from itertools import islice
Help on class islice in module itertools: class islice(builtins.object) | islice(iterable, stop) --> islice object | islice(iterable, start, stop[, step]) --> islice object | | Return an iterator whose next() method returns selected values from an | iterable. If start is specified, will skip all preceding elements; | otherwise, start defaults to zero. Step defaults to one. If | specified as another value, step determines how many values are | skipped between successive calls. Works like a slice() on a list | but returns an iterator. | | Methods defined here: | | __getattribute__(self, name, /) | Return getattr(self, name). | | __iter__(self, /) | Implement iter(self). | | __next__(self, /) | Implement next(self). | | __reduce__(...) | Return state information for pickling. | | __setstate__(...) | Set state information for unpickling. | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Static methods defined here: | | __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type | Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
n = 100
next(islice(fib(), n-1, n))
%timeit -n4 next(islice(fib(), n-1, n))
The slowest run took 9.46 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached. 21.7 µs ± 28.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 4 loops each)
A technique used in computing to speed up programs. This is accomplished by memorizing the calculation results of processed input such as the results of function calls.
If the same input or a function call with the same parameters is used, the previously stored results can be used again and unnecessary calculation are avoided.
In many cases a simple array is used for storing the results, but lots of other structures can be used as well, such as associative arrays, called hashes in Perl or dictionaries in Python.
def fib_recursive(n):
if n == 0: return 0
if n == 1: return 1
return fib_recursive(n-1) + fib_recursive(n-2)
def fib_dp(n):
cache = [0,1]
for i in range(2,n+1):
return cache[n]
def memoize(f):
memo = {}
def helper(x):
if x not in memo:
memo[x] = f(x)
return memo[x]
return helper
fib_recursive_memoized = memoize(fib_recursive)
%timeit fib_recursive(9)
17.1 µs ± 74.1 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
%timeit fib_recursive_memoized(9)
179 ns ± 1.44 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)
LRU = Least Recently Used
from functools import lru_cache
def fib_recursive(n):
"Calculate nth Fibonacci number using recursion"
if n == 0: return 0
if n == 1: return 1
return fib_recursive(n-1) + fib_recursive(n-2)
%timeit fib_recursive(n)
119 ns ± 0.435 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)
The objective is to determine the smallest number of currency of a particular denomination required to make change for a given amount.
For example, if the denomination of the currency are \$1 and \\$2 and it was required to make change for \$3 then we would use \\$1 + \$2 i.e. 2 pieces of currency.
However if the amount was \$4 then we would could either use \\$1+\$1+\\$1+\$1 or \\$1+\$1+\\$2 or \$2+\\$2 and the minimum number of currency would 2 (\$2+\\$2).
The minimum number of coins required to make change for \$P is the number of coins required to make change for the amount \\$P-x plus 1 (+1 because we need another coin to get us from \$P-x to P).
These can be illustrated mathematically as:
Let us assume that we have $n$ currency of distinct denomination. Where the denomination of the currency $i$ is $v_i$. We can sort the currency according to denomination values such that $v_1<v_2<v_3<..<v_n$
Let us use $C(p)$ to denote the minimum number of currency required to make change for $ \$p$
Using the principles of recursion $C(p)=min_i C(p-v_i)+1$
For example, assume we want to make 5, and $v_1=1, v_2=2, v_3=3$.
Therefore $C(5) = min(C(5-1)+1, C(5-2)+1, C(5-3)+1)$ $\Longrightarrow min(C(4)+1, C(3)+1, C(2)+1)$
How can we use redundancy here?
Things get tricky when using wildcards ".", "?", "*"
In a recursive approach, your function recursively calls itself on smaller subproblems as needed, until the calculation is done. Potentially performing many redundant calculations naively.
With memoization, you form a cache of these recursive calls, and check if the same one is called again before recalculating. Still potential danger since do not plan memory needs or usage.
With Dynamic Programming, you generally follow some plan to produce the cache of results for smaller subproblems.
Minimum number of operations needed to convert one string into other
Ex. typo correction: how do we decide what "scool" was supposed to be?
Consider possibilities with lowest edit distance. "school" or "cool".
Hamming distance - operations consist only of substitutions of character (i.e. count differences)
Levenshtein distance - operations are the removal, insertion, or substitution of a character
"Fuzzy String Matching"
def hammingDistance(x, y):
''' Return Hamming distance between x and y '''
assert len(x) == len(y)
nmm = 0
for i in range(0, len(x)):
if x[i] != y[i]:
nmm += 1
return nmm
hammingDistance('brown', 'blown')
hammingDistance('cringe', 'orange')
Special case where the operations are the insertion, deletion, or substitution of a character
Count the minimum number needed to convert $P$ into $T$.
Interchangably called "edit distance".
Comprehension check: give three different ways to transform $P$ into $T$ (not necessarily fewest operations)
How do we use simpler comparisons to perform more complex ones?
Use substring match results to compute
Consider by starting from first character and building up
Comparison of entirety of both strings
So the net result tells us the minimum number of operations is 2. But what are they?
see for more details
Note: use of (I) vs. (D) here depends which of the two strings you are editing to become the other
Note II: an error in backtrace line in picture, can you find it?
Storing just diffs reduces storage amount.
For example, git
Seek lowest difference on bottom row, endpoint of substring in $T$.
def edDistRecursive(x, y):
if len(x) == 0: return len(y)
if len(y) == 0: return len(x)
delt = 1 if x[-1] != y[-1] else 0
vert = edDistRecursive(x[:-1], y) + 1
horz = edDistRecursive(x, y[:-1]) + 1
diag = edDistRecursive(x[:-1], y[:-1]) + delt
return min(diag, vert, horz)
edDistRecursive('Shakespeare', 'shake spear') # this takes a while!
def edDistRecursiveMemo(x, y, memo=None):
''' A version of edDistRecursive with memoization. For each x, y we see, we
record result from edDistRecursiveMemo(x, y). In the future, we retrieve
recorded result rather than re-run the function. '''
if memo is None: memo = {}
if len(x) == 0: return len(y)
if len(y) == 0: return len(x)
if (len(x), len(y)) in memo:
return memo[(len(x), len(y))]
delt = 1 if x[-1] != y[-1] else 0
diag = edDistRecursiveMemo(x[:-1], y[:-1], memo) + delt
vert = edDistRecursiveMemo(x[:-1], y, memo) + 1
horz = edDistRecursiveMemo(x, y[:-1], memo) + 1
ans = min(diag, vert, horz)
memo[(len(x), len(y))] = ans
return ans
edDistRecursiveMemo('Shakespeare', 'shake spear') # this is very fast
from numpy import zeros
def edDistDp(x, y):
""" Calculate edit distance between sequences x and y using
matrix dynamic programming. Return distance. """
D = zeros((len(x)+1, len(y)+1), dtype=int)
D[0, 1:] = range(1, len(y)+1)
D[1:, 0] = range(1, len(x)+1)
for i in range(1, len(x)+1):
for j in range(1, len(y)+1):
delt = 1 if x[i-1] != y[j-1] else 0
D[i, j] = min(D[i-1, j-1]+delt, D[i-1, j]+1, D[i, j-1]+1)
return D[len(x), len(y)]
edDistDp('Shakespeare', 'shake spear')
from nltk.metrics.distance import edit_distance
edit_distance('intention', 'execution')
edDistDp('intention', 'execution')
What are the givens for DP?
What is the output of DP?
Best "path" from any "location" - meaning what?
How is the value calculated in DP?
It is the min/max of:
How does DP generate the best "path"?
Start at goal and calculate the value function for every step all the path back to start
Many more specialized algorithms exist in the fields DP is used.
DP is a category of methods, not a single method.
Can you think of ways to perform these tasks faster?
Plan B. Be even more clever about intermediate calculations. E.g. compute table in way more likely to find optimal sooner (before filling entire table).
Plan A. "good" approximations (hopefully). E.g. computing a match based on only short substrings, not entire string.
Generally similar to edit distance algorithm, except we compute a function $d()$ at each comparison
import numpy as np
# define whatever distance metric you want
def d(x,y):
return abs(x-y)
# the DP DWT distance algorithm
def DTWDistance(A, B):
n = len(A)
m = len(B)
DTW = np.zeros((n,m))
for i in range(0,n):
for j in range(0,m):
DTW[i, j] = np.inf
DTW[0, 0] = 0
for i in range(1,n):
for j in range(1,m):
cost = d(A[i], B[j])
DTW[i, j] = cost + min((DTW[i-1, j ], # insertion
DTW[i , j-1], # deletion
DTW[i-1, j-1])) # match
return DTW[n-1, m-1]
[[ 0. inf inf inf inf] [inf 1. 2. 3. 4.] [inf 1. 1. 1. 1.]]
When performing a slow search algorithm over a large dataset, start with fast algorithm with poor FPR to reject obvious mismatches.
Ex. BLAST (sequence alignment) in bioinformatics, followed by slow accurate structure alignment technique.
General result for optimal ordering of filters based on efficiency and speed: K. Dillon and Y.-P. Wang, “On efficient meta-filtering of big data,” in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2016 IEEE 38th
The sooner you start to code, the longer the program will take.
– Roy Carlson, University of Wisconsin
If you can’t write it down in English, you can’t code it. – Peter Halpern