White matter in the brain is densely-packed with long-range connections between/among cortical regions and others
A neuron is a cell with a special cell membrane
There are a variety of different types of synapses which use different neurotransmitters.
The presynaptic neuro dumps neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft (for most types of synapses)
The postsynaptic neuron has receptors to which the neurotransmitters (and other drugs present) may bind and cause change in potential.
Psychoactive drugs typically affect particular synapses at particular receptors, e.g. domaminergic (domamine), nicotinergic (affected by nicotene).
"Neurons that fire together wire together"
Synapse between neurons is strenthened if they activate at same time
Numbers representing input membrane potentials
Activation function represents threshold for spiking
Output number represents spike frequency
What is the mathematical function the artificial neuron computes?
Write code for a simple artificial neuron's behavior.
Cross-section of cortical layers:
Example: reflex circuit - sensory signal activates muscle
Regions of the brain can be differentiated based on cell types present
Also from neurology, we know different regions are important/necessary for different functions
Note there are multiple "color channels" as well
Many different pathways, processing color, motion, "blind sight", eye & pupil reflexes
Most connections are reciprocal (feedback and feed-forward)
Briggs 2017, "Mammalian Visual System Organization", Oxford Research Encyclopedia
Draw the network of a single LGN cell that achieves this, and suggest connection strengths
Hubel & Wiesel
Multiple ganglion cells synapse onto Single simple cell
Draw the full network for this from inputs at retinal receptors
With increasing depth in brain, get increasingly-specialized receptive fields
Consider the what pathway, deeper neurons fire in response to complex stimulii
Primary sensory cortex = first stop for information from senses
Association cortex = complex processing, combination of sensory information
Note motor cortex has similar divisions, but in opposite direction
Satoshi et al, "Human Control Law and Brain Activity of Voluntary Motion by Utilizing a Balancing Task with an Inverted Pendulum", 2010
Short term memory as a feedback loop that maintains information over time
Attention as a gain adjustment, possibly via feedback, that weights certain inputs more.