
This is a first course in applying theory and programming skills to data. We will introduce the major tools and build towards a understanding of the workings of modern state of the art methods. Course will include test processing and an introduction to natural language processing.

Prerequisites: programing skills (course will be using Python) and linear algebra (primarily comfort with vectors and matrices).
See the following for a review: Python and math bootcamp

Class slides:

1. Introduction

2. Text and Sequences

3. Introduction to Natural Language Processing

4. Math with Python

5. Classic Linear Algebra Software

6. Norms and Distances

7. Graphs and Networks

8. Embeddings

9. Language Modeling

10. Regression

Exercise 1 – solutions

Quiz 1 solutions

Exercise 2solutions

Exercise 3 – solutions

Practice questions for midtermsolutions

Exercise 4solutions

Exercise 5 – solutions